Each image will open in a separate window. You may right click the mouse to save to your hard drive for future reference. Each of the diagrams are approximately 120kb in size, so depending on your connection speed, it could take a couple of minutes to load.
The file listed below is a zip file that contains a database file and a number of photos. Please create a location to place all of the files contained into one directory on your computer. When you click on the link below, you will be asked if you want to open or save the file. Save the file to the location on your computer you created. When it completes downloading, unzip the file into the same directory. This database has a number of tips for the BMW 600 and some for the Isetta 300. These tips mostly came from the Yahoo message board, but some from other sources. This file is about 4.2mb, so either be very patient, or have a fast internet connection. Instructions for use of this file are provided in an extracted text file called "instructions.txt".